Download Ati Catalyst 12.6 Beta Lançamento

Baixar Ati Catalyst 12.6 Beta Lançamento para Windows 7, Windows Vista Windows XP e Linux 

Ati Catalyst 12.6 Beta Lançamento
Links para Windows 7/Vista/XP/Linux no final do post

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Foi confirmado pela AMD a poucas horas que a empresa não irá mais adotar a política de uma versão do Catalyst por mês, como vinha praticando a anos, desde os tempos de ATI.
A empresa acaba de anunciar o Catalyst 12.6 BETA, pulando a versão 12.5 oficial que não saiu e nem sairá, sendo a versão 12.4 a última oficial  de um longo ciclo.
De acordo com a AMD, a decisão foi tomada visando o usuário final, que poderá continuar baixando os drivers, desde que lhe as novidades lhe interessem. O sistema ano+mês vai continuar sendo mantido na nomenclatura, mas não teremos mais uma versão por mês por obrigação como vinha acontecendo.
Abaixo detalhes do Catalyst 12.6 Beta e do 12.6 Beta CAP1.
Resolved issue highlights of the AMD Catalyst™ 12.6 Beta
  • AMD Radeon HD 7900, AMD Radeon HD 7800 Tri-CrossFire configurations + Eyefinity no longer results in a BSOD when launching a DirectX application
  • AMD Radeon HD 7900, AMD Radeon HD 7800 Eyefinity/Multiple Display configurations no longer results in a BSOD when using desktop applications
  • AMD Radeon HD 7900, AMD Radeon HD 7800, and AMD Radeon HD 7700 cards no longer hang when system goes to sleep
  • Please ensure that your System BIOS is up to date – some occurrences of this issue are related to outdated SBIOS

Resolves CrossFire scaling issues seen in AMD Catalyst 12.4 with:
  • Elder Scrolls: Skyrim CrossFire
  • AMD Catalyst Control Center – Overdrive page is no longer intermittently missing
  • AMD Catalyst Control Center – GPU Activity gauge is no longer missing
  • AMD Radeon HD 7900 CrossFire Configuration – no longer results in system hang after cinematic in Call Of Duty: Black Ops
  • Heroes and Generals: Blocky corruption in scenes with smoke effects when run in DirectX 11 mode are no longer experienced.
  • Dirt Showdown: Improves scaling for CrossFire configurations using the AMD Radeon HD 6000 Series
  • HDMI audio is no longer disabled if the connected HDTV is powered Off/On.

Feature highlights of the AMD Catalyst™ 12.6 Beta:
Dual Graphics enhancements – new application profiles
Supported Dual Graphics configurations:
AMD Accelerated Processors for Desktop PCs
  • AMD Radeon™ HD 7660D (A10-5700)
  • AMD Radeon™ HD 7560D (A8-5500)

Notebooks with AMD Accelerated Processors
  • AMD Radeon™ HD 7660G (A10-4600M)
  • AMD Radeon™ HD 7640G (A8-4500M)
  • AMD Radeon™ HD 7520G (A6-4400M)

New profiles have been added for the following titles:
o   Diablo 3
o   Elder Scrolls: Skyrim
o   StarCraft 2
o   Portal 2
o   Call of Duty Modern Warfare
o   Call of Duty Black Ops
· Future Catalyst releases will continue to add Dual Graphics support for additional titles
Feature highlights of the AMD Catalyst™ 12.6 Beta Linux driver:
This release of AMD Catalyst™ Linux introduces support for the following new operating systems
  • SLED 11 SP2 production support
  • RHEL 5.8 production support
Download and install the driver from the following location:

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